And so it begins . . .
After the explosion of interest in the Facebook group, Forum for Science Fiction in the Theatre, what might possibly come next? Well, a blog seems natural. I envisioned the forum as a place for artists to learn about projects and performances as well as problem solve and idea swap. All very suitable for Facebook, but I think there's a larger element to the conversation as does my colleague and collaborator, dramaturg Carrie J. Cole. A blog on performing science fiction can become a place to dissect and examine these projects and performances and perhaps come to understand how and why sf works (or doesn't) when applied to performance.
This space is certainly a place to discuss theatre, sure, but we also want to explore how sf is performed in a broader sense--not just the confines of the stage. If you have an idea, pitch it to us. We intend to include guest bloggers so that the artists and critics can engage in something they rarely have--a conversation (Blasphemy!). Ideally, a guest blogger would take the opportunity to examine a topic. Because performance is envisioned as a broad spectrum of possible activities here, the blog should include literary authors (Gasp!) and real scientists (For the love of God, hide the children!).
Because, let's face it, performance is messy and complicated and contradictory and ephemeral. We also love it, because . . . well, it's pretty obvious we're not getting rich. So roll up your sleeves and and plunge your hands into some performative goo. If you don't get dirty, you haven't done anything worth looking at.